Shuffled priorities

They say every cloud has a silver lining and so I focused on what I had this year and not on what I had lost. Putting things into perspective, sooner rather than later, is what I did almost immediately when I was told in March to be prepared for a two year moratorium where work was concerned.

Shifting my thinking to what I can do and focusing on what I still had was vital to quell the panic I initially felt. My income comes from my outreach work that I do in regional and remote areas. I had to adapt to the use of technology rather than face to face contact with people. This was a challenge to overcome and mentally taxing.

Returning to my city, Perth, to empty highways during peak hour was a reality check. Considered one of the most isolated cities in the world, I realised the reach of the virus was not to be underestimated. Our state government went into protection mode. It may not seem the appropriate thing to do for some people, but most of us feel safer with the borders closed. I have not come across one single person who had the flu this past winter. It only confirmed people are following hygiene protocols of regular hand washing during the day, using sanitizers in public and socially distancing. Simple and effective, I see there is value in this.

To see the devastation in other parts of the world, is heart breaking. I have struggled with this all year.

Once travelling again, I had to find my nerve to fly in small chartered planes, instead of commercial airliners. This was no mean feat. Fortunately the young pilots were great fun and reassured us each time we took off and congratulated us on landing after a bumpy flight! Little did they know, our silence was because we were petrified!

This was the year I was going to get Lounge Membership for the major airlines as a treat so I could relax while at the airport. It was not to be! I had more fun in extreme heat in the outback mining towns. This being the lounge/terminal at Mt Magnet Airport.

This is the year I saw communities unite and create spaces for people to enjoy. This is freedom of expression and community spirit in times of hardship for everyone, yet, the simplest gestures became more meaningful. Can we continue living like this, please, is my wish for all.

I found humour in unexpected places. This was a Pub Story I found in the Wiluna Museum …

“Once the miners’ payday rolled around, queues formed outside all four of Wiluna’s hotels that weekend. Thirsty and well moneyed miners would arrive early to wait for each hotel to open, hoping to secure a much sought-after spot at the bar. Any man who succeeded would stay all day, simply because the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd of miners behind him kept him from leaving.

One tale tells of a man who had decided he’d spent enough hours drinking, and loudly proclaimed that he was selling his place at the bar. Chaos ensued as money was thrust at him from all angles, and eventually the other patrons shoved clear enough room for the man to leave.

Without the crush of patrons holding him upright, he promptly fell on his face. With no way of getting him through the throng to the exit, he was simply rolled under the overhand of the bar and used as footrest until closing time.”

Once normal travel resumed I realised this was a mural I had missed despite picking up my luggage at this carousel dozens of time during the year! I have promised myself to be more aware of my environment while indoors, too.

I have found renewed joy in cooking for more than one and learned to cook Thai cuisine while sequestered in the city.

I stopped searching for love some years ago, my work and career filling the void. To find someone with a heart who planted me a garden, so I could feel I return home after a busy trip, was an unexpected find.

And who surprised me with solar lights, so I could enjoy my garden from the bedroom at night, made me realise, never underestimate the thought behind the gesture.

In life and in love, there are things that control us and there are things we can control. Knowing the difference is key.

May you find time today to trust the Universe but more importantly, trust yourself because it is not in the shuffling that we are made more resilient, it is in the acceptance of letting the chips fall where they may.

Until next time

As always

a dawn bird

In response to RDP – Monday – Shuffle

Where the sun, is the star …

A sunset camel ride is a must for any visitor to Broome, Western Australia. The climb into the seat is a journey in itself! The lurch forward (cue squeal) and violent lurch backwards (cue higher pitched squeal) and we are up. The rhythm is slow as the pace. It lulled a child to sleep. I have watched these camels while seated on the beach at sunset with a chilled drink in hand and promised myself I would do it one day. I was thrilled when I found the courage to do it.

Cable Beach in Broome is well renowned for its beauty especially at sunset. The sun is the star here. At peak tourist season the beach is a car park of white 4WD, people sitting on deck chairs and drinking while waiting for the drama of sunset which is always spectacular. The camels bring an air of excitement when they appear. It’s a time when one’s inner photographer surfaces and folks chase the convoy trying to get that perfect pic.

I’ve always found something romantic about camels, even though they can be cranky creatures. They are a prominent feature in the history of the outback where caravans of cameleers travelled through inhospitable terrain. These brave hearts speak to mine!

This is my first post in weeks and I feel like I want to write again. There has been so much happen this year that has knocked the air out of me. I haven’t lost my enthusiasm for every sunrise and sunset. The sun still shines, so I’m back to a life of adventure again. This being my first step in that journey. My pace will be slow but it will have momentum. Join me!

Until next time

As always

a dawn bird

In response to RDP – Sunday – Caravan