Tell me what you see!

Tracy (Reflections of an Untidy Mind) has thrown down a challenge, so I’m putting out my ‘tweet’ as well to see if you can identify this bird!

DSCN6805.jpgI once saw one in the wild.  No, I tell a lie.  It was on the tree right in front of me.  My companion saw it and tried to explain where it was.  After a good half an hour, I pretended like I saw it.  (A moment similar to the one where Rachel in Friends pretends she can see her baby in the sonagram!).  I was too embarrassed to tell him, I. JUST. COULD. NOT. SEE. IT.  (And, I was the one with the zoom!).

I often look at this picture and see perfection.  Tell me if you see it too!

Until next time

As always

a dawn bird