This track, leads somewhere

DSCN6067.jpgIn all my travels around this large State, the most enjoyable drives have been on this track.  Off the highway, north of Broome in the north of Western Australia is Cape Leveque Road, some 90 kms of bone crunching, corrugated, unsealed road.  It is impassable in the ‘wet’ season when it floods.  The remote communities in this region have to stock up or have supplies brought in by sea or small aircraft.  Most of the drive is silent because of the violent jolting.  Wear white, at your peril!

There are a surprising number of feral cats in this area unfortunately.  At night, their eyes glow in the dark roadside.  I’m sure they must be a nuisance to native animals.  I’ve also seen wild donkeys and wild horses known as brumbies in the region.  This is not a road for novice drivers.

There is a pearl farm in the region at Cygnet Bay, family owned for over 70 years.  It’s a lovely place to stay and visit.  The pearls are beautiful as they are pricey.  One can also stay at Kooljaman, not far from Cygnet Bay.  Be warned, the area is ‘rustic’.  Our room did not even have a lock!

There are other areas of interests for tourists here but the journey deters them.  Unfortunately, there are plans to seal this road to increase tourism.  I’m in the camp that views this with disappointment and with a degree of selfishness.  The impact of tourism in this region is a concern, but on the other hand, it gives the communities something positive.

The rough track was the best part of the journey.  I’ve learned to see life that way too.

Until next time

As always

a dawn bird

In response to FOWC:  Track

11 thoughts on “This track, leads somewhere”

  1. The rough track in the rearview mirror, perspective is a fine thing! Thanks for sharing this rustic beauty while it’s still almost inaccessible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh! those words … ‘progress’, ‘development’, grrrr. The area was volatile with intense protests some years ago when there were thoughts of setting up a gas hub smack in the middle of the region where the humpback whales calve. Beggars belief.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure if it is iron (like the Pilbara region) but certainly clay soil and easily bogged if it rains! Yes it saddens me to think of a sealed road.
      I noticed the other day in Perth a pine forest has been levelled for ‘development’. Dr T and I went in the heart of the forest around the time of our wedding to watch Halley’s Comet because it was so dark there. So a special place for me, gone!


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